14 September 2024
Multifunctional Hall
Municipality of Fano Adriano (IT)

The event took place from 4.30 p.m. to 9 p.m., concluded by a buffet offered to all participants as a tribute to the local community.

The presentation of the book ‘Lettere dalla pastorizia. Scritture di pastori transumanti di Fano Adriano’, by Berardino Nisii, Gianfranco Spitilli and Roberta Tucci, published by Bambun/Centro Studi Don Nicola Jobbi in September 2024, was attended by a large number of people, around 100, from the community of Fano Adriano but also from other mountain villages and towns further down the valley.
The book is the result of a long research work begun in previous cycles of Tramontana, aimed at analysing the shepherds’ writings, the letters they wrote to their families when they were away from home during the long autumn, winter and spring months, from September to June. The nucleus of documents considered also includes family photographs and film footage shot inside the armentaria farm in the Roman Campagna, where the sheep and shepherds moved at the end of the summer.
In addition to the authors, the presentation was attended by local authorities – the mayor of Fano Adriano Luigi Servi, the councillor and councillor Carlo Di Bonaventura -, Rosa Di Benedetto, literary critic and author, Francesco Avolio, lecturer in Linguistics at the University of L’Aquila, Dimitri Bosi, Director of the Regional Library of Teramo ‘Melchiorre Dèlfico’, and Leonardo Riccioni’s family.