Performance and conference/course
University of Siena, Master’s Degree in Anthropology and Languages of the Image
Laboratory of Anthropology of Performance.
March 20, 2025
The social promotion association “La Leggera” has been working for over twenty years in the internal pre-Apennine area of Arezzo-Florence, in the recovery of the local cultural heritage (music, song, choreography, narration and with the historical memory and technical knowledge linked to agriculture), making its re-proposal in terms of cultural animation and artistic work, the pivot of a new sociality, which has enabled the creation of a local community in the presence of a multicultural repopulation, creatively and consciously connected to the past.
Present on the international scene, thanks to certain European projects (Tramontana Network I, II and IV) which have included the upper Valdarno, the Val di Sieve, the Casentino in a vast network of internal territories threatened by depopulation, the association “La Leggera” has turned to practices of management of local needs, correlating the credibility acquired thanks to the valorization of cultural heritages with the reliability of intervention projects in a neo-rural sense, in favor of the environmental and economic sustainability of peasant business life projects: the theatrical project presented, “Sarò mille di me. Parlando, cantando e danzando intorno a un chicco di grano” is the performative event that presents and promotes concrete actions in favor of neo-peasant economies: the sustainability of the recovery of tradition is here linked to the sustainability of models and lifestyles capable of recognizing and actualizing its value.
The performance will be followed by a presentation of the project and a discussion with the participants about the range of activities at “La Leggera”.