Numériculture Gascogne2024-10-14T11:29:31+00:00

Since 2006 Numériculture Gascogne contributes to the preservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage of the Pyrenean area of Gascony through sound and video digitalization projects. Its current means of action are: a) The production, archiving and distribution of digital documents and other materials related to the Gascon culture. b) The organization of events: conferences, symposia, exhibitions, theater, concerts, radio, television, cinema, multimedia, etc. c) Publications of cultural products that aim to restore to the public descriptive fragments of the Gascon society: books, CDs, documentary films. Numériculture Gascogne actively participates in the audiovisual collection Oralité de Gascogne.

Coordinator: Fabrice Bernissan


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