27 November 2024
University of Teramo
Hall of Degrees
Teramo (IT)

Images and the territory between preservation, research and valorisation is the theme at the centre of the conference ‘Il patrimonio segreto’ (Secret heritage) held at the University of Teramo on Wednesday 27 November at 9.00 a.m., in the Hall of Degrees of the G. D’Annunzio didactic pole.
The study conference, organised by the Department of Communication Sciences, was promoted as part of the Prin PNRR 2022 Project CineAB – Rediscovering and Promoting the Film and Audiovisual Heritage of the Abruzzo Region, which runs over two years (2023-2025).
The project – of which the three Abruzzo Universities of L’Aquila, Chieti-Pescara and Teramo are partners – aims at conducting a wide-ranging research on the audiovisual sector in Abruzzo and the study conference promoted in collaboration with the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Teramo, stems from the need to discuss the state of the visual heritage of the Abruzzo region at a moment that is ‘very significant for the culture and economy of the territory, and for the young generations, since it sees the recent birth of a reality full of potential such as the Fondazione Abruzzo Film Commission’.
The meeting focused on the current reality of Abruzzo’s visual heritage, its criticalities and perspectives. Although promoted in the context of a project dedicated to cinema and audiovisuals, it represented a moment of reflection on the need to engage in a more fruitful and operational dialogue between different visual forms (audiovisuals, photography, comics, multimedia installations, etc.). Tramontana Network, with visual materials from its numerous researches in the Apennine area, was present through the Bambun aps coordinator Gianfranco Spitilli, who illustrated some of the results achieved, the research and activities in progress, and showed materials from its archives.