Valdisieve, land of encounters
Songs, sonatas and tales with “i Suonatori della Leggera”
December 5th, 2024
Saletta Civica “G. Barbugli” c/o Biblioteca Comunale ”G. C. Montagni”
Rufina (Florence, IT)
Organized by La Leggera APS, as part of the Creative Europe Tramontana IV project
The Val di Sieve, corresponding to the lower valley of the river of the same name before its confluence with the River Arno, has always been a privileged link between northern and central Italy. The relatively low altitude of the Apennine ridge and its strategic geographical position as a crossroads between the directions of Bologna, Romagna, Florence, Arezzo and Casentino have historically made it a place of great transit for people and goods. At the same time, historical events have reinforced its identity as a border and hinge zone between city and mountains, north and south, Adriatic and Tyrrhenian, making it a land of welcome and refuge for partisans, rebels and other more marginal or minority human realities. The musical and dance tradition handed down by the valley’s farmers and mountain dwellers preserves the traces of all these passages.